Trees for the Mid-South
Evergreen Trees

Tree-Form 'Foster' Hollies, B&B
- Arborvitae
- Cedar
- Cherry Laurel
- Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria)
- Cypress
- False Cypress (Chamaecyparis)
- Fir
- Holly
- Juniper
- Magnolia, Evergreen
- Palm
- Pine

'Screenplay' Holly, 45g
Deciduous Trees

15g Pot-in-Pot: 'October Glory' Maple & 'Moonglow' Sweetbay Magnolia
- Birch
- Blackgum
- Cherry
- Crapemyrtle
- Dogwood
- Fringetree
- Fruit Trees
- Ginkgo
- Hophornbeam
- Hornbeam

'Wildfire' Blackgum, 15g
- Magnolia, Deciduous
- Maple, Japanese
- Maple, Red
- Oak
- Pistache
- Redbud
- Styrax
- Vitex
- Willow
- Zelcova
Gallery of Trees We Carry
Evergreen Trees

'Emerald Green' Arborvitae

'Green Giant' Arborvitae

'Bright N Tight' Cherry Laurel, 15g

'Oakland' Holly, 15g

'Idyllwild' Juniper, 15g

'Yoshino' Cryptomeria

'Arizona Blue' Cypress

'Carolina Sapphire' Cypress, 15g

'Cascade Falls' Bald Cypress

'Blue Point' Juniper

'Alta' Magnolia, 30g

'DD Blanchard' Magnolia, 15g

Teddy Bear® Magnolia, 15g

'Little Gem' Magnolia

Espaliered 'Little Gem' Magnolia

Evergreen Sweetbay Magnolia

Tree-Form 'Foster' Holly

'Savannah' Holly, 15g

Fragrant Sweet Olive

Weeping Yaupon Holly
Deciduous Trees

'Shumard' Oak

'Trident' Maple

'Okame' Cherry, B&B

'Tuscarora' Crapemyrtle, 15g

'October Glory' Maples

Nuttall Oak & Tulip Poplar, 7g

'Autumn Blaze' Maple

European Pyramidal Hornbeam

Eastern Redbud

'Rising Sun' Redbud

Japanese Snowbells on Styrax Tree

'Regal Prince' Oak, 15g

'Princeton' Elm, 15g

'Brandywine' Maple, 7g

'Shoals Creek' Vitex

'Ann' Magnolia