Mid-South's Largest Tree Selection on 150 Acres!
We Grow Trees!
Very young trees are planted in medium to large pots or directly in the field. Those in containers are bumped up as they grow, & Field Trees are dug when they reach landscape size. We also bring in specialty varieties, such as Japanese Maples & Fruit trees. From Acer to Zelcova, we have the tree you are looking for!

Field Grown Trees
Trees of all sizes:
We grow trees in small to large containers. Dabney's 1-7 gallon container trees start on our western edge along Hacks Cross, and continue in the Small Tree House. The 15-30 gallon sizes are in the Crape Myrtle/Magnolia House, the Holly House, and Pot-in-Pot, which is our field with 15 & 30 gallon tree containers in the ground.
- Blackgum
- Cherry
- Crapemyrtle
- Dogwood
- Fringetree
- Fruit Tree
- Ginkgo
- Hornbeam
- Magnolia, Deciduous
- Maple, Japanese
- Maple, Red
- Oak
- Pistache
- Redbud
- Styrax
- Vitex
- Willow
- Zelcova
- Arborvitae
- Cedar
- Cryptomeria, Japanese Cedar
- Cypress
- Empress of China Dogwood
- False Cypress
- Fir
- Holly
- Juniper
- Magnolia, Evergreen
- Palm
- Pine