Shrubs for the Mid-South
Evergreen Shrubs

- Abelia
- Anise
- Arborvitae
- Aucuba
- Azalea, Encore
- Azalea, Shade
- Boxwood
- Camellia
- Cleyera
- Cryptomeria
- Dystillium
- Fatsia
- Gardenia
- Indian Hawthorne
- Holly
- Juniper
- Laurel
- Loropetalum
- Mugo Pine
- Nandina
- Pieris
- Sweet Olive
- Sweetbox
- Topiary
- Yew
- Yucca
Deciduous Shrubs

- Azaleas, Native
- Barberry
- Beautyberry
- Buckeye, Dwarf Red
- Butterfly Bush
- Caryopteris
- Clethra
- Dogwood, Red Twig
- Duetzia
- Fothergilla
- Forsythia
- Fruit Bearing: Blackberry, Blueberry, Fig, Pomegranate
- Hydrangea
- Itea
- Kerria
- Quince
- Roses
- Rose of Sharon
- Spirea
- Sweetshrub
- Viburnum
- Weigela
Gallery of Shrubs We Carry, Besides Those Highlighted Above
Evergreen Shrubs

'Bird's Nest' Spruce & Atlas Cedar

'Globosa Nana' Cryptomeria

'August Beauty' Gardenia

Juniper Shrubs

'Vintage Jade' Distylium

'Eleanor Tabor' Indian Hawthorn

'Golden Mop' False Cypress, 3g


Ocala Anise

'Little Giant' Arborvitae

'Otto Luyken' Laurel

'Chang's Ruby' Loropetalum

Fire Chief™ Arborvitae

'Goshiki' Osmanthus

'Edward Goucher' Abelia

'Filip's Magic Moment' Arb.

'Fastigiata' Yew (tall)

'Hicksii' Yew (tall)

Plum Yew (spreading)
Deciduous Shrubs

'Brown Turkey' Fig

Dwarf Red Buckeye

'Henry's Garnet' Itea

'Harlage Wine' Sweetshrub

'Chardonnay Pearls' Deutzia

'Pugster Blue' Butterfly Bush

Double Play Doozie®Spirea

'Purple Pillar' Rose of Sharon

'Nana' Pomegranate

Edgeworthia Foliage

'Sunshine Blue' Blueberry

Double Take Orange™ Quince

Thornless Blackberry

Native Beautyberry

'Pink Poppet' Weigela

'Beyond Midnight' Caryopteris