Roses for Spring 2025

Bare-root roses are potted in February at the Dabney Nursery, and are not ready to be planted in the ground until May. Our roses may be purchased before May, with the understanding that the roses should be cared for in the container until May. Roses purchased before May 1st are not subject to the 90-day guarantee for 50% credit.
Hybrid Tea Roses
Hybrid Tea Roses are ideal for cut roses because of their large, single blooms on long stems. In general, these shrubs may grow 3-6' tall & 3-5' wide. For the complete selection, please see Rose List.

Grandiflora Roses
Grandiflora Roses are a cross between Hybrid Tea and Floribunda roses. These large shrubs may grow to 5' tall and have several rose blooms clustered on a long stem. For complete selection, please see Rose List.

Floribunda Roses
As the name suggests, Floribunda Roses produce an abundance of roses, that are clustered on stems. These shrubs are smaller at 3' high and wide. For complete selection, please see Rose List.

Climbing Roses
Climbing Roses have long arching stems that can be attached to fences, arbors, trellises or walls. For complete selection see Rose List.

36" Tree Roses

Drift® Roses