Perennials for the Mid-South
What is a Perennial?
Perennials have a life cycle more than 2 years long because they survive winter temperatures. They are often dormant part of the year.
To our benefit, Perennials come back every year, unlike Annuals.
To our disappointment, Perennials have a shorter bloom-time than Annuals.

Russian Sage & Liatris
Planning a Perennial Bed?
Pay attention to these plant qualities:
- Season of Interest- Often this is the bloom-time, although many Perennials are grown for foliage as well.
- Light Requirement- Sun, Part Shade or Shade
- Mature Size- Height x Width
Sun Perennials
- Achillea (Yarrow)
- Agapanthus (Lily-of-the-Nile)
- Agastache (Hyssop)
- Amsonia (Blue Star)
- Artemesia
- Asclepias (Milkweed)
- Aster, Stokes
- Belamcanda (Blackberry Lily)
- Coreopsis
- Crocosmia
- Daylily
- Dianthus
- Echinacea (Coneflower)
- Gaillardia (Blanket Flower)
- Gaura (Whirling Butterflies)
- Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy)
- Liatris (Blazing Star)
- Hardy Hibiscus
- Hypericum (St. John's Wort)
- Iris
- Lamb's Ear
- Lavender
- Lily, Oriental
- Monarda (Bee Balm)
- Nepeta (Catmint)
- Phlox paniculata (Upright)
- Phlox subulata (Creeping)
- Poker Plant
- Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan)
- Russian Sage
- Salvia
- Scabiosa (Pincushion Flower)
- Veronica (Speedwell)
- Verbena, 'Homestead'

'Strawberry Seduction' Yarrow

'Twister' Lily of the Nile

'Summer Love' Hyssop

'Storm Cloud' Amsonia

Butterfly Weed

Stokes Aster

'Firefly' Coreopsis

'Happy Returns' Daylily

'Radiance Early Bird' Dianthus

'Arizona Sun' Blanket Flower

'Midnight Marvel' Hibiscus

'Pardon My Lavender' Monarda

Poker Plant & Artemisia

'Radio Red' Salvia

'Butterfly Blue' Pincushion Flower

'Sunny Border Blue' Veronica
Shade & Part Shade Perennials
- Anemone, Japanese
- Columbine
- Asarum (Ginger)
- Aspidistra (Cast Iron Plant)
- Astilbe
- Baptisia (False Blue Indigo)
- Brunnera
- Campanula (Bellflower)
- Lily of the Valley
- Dicentra (Bleeding Heart)
- Epimedium (Barrenwort)
- Hardy Geranium (Cranesbill)
- Helleborus (Lenten Rose)
- Heuchera (Coral Bells)
- Heucherella
- Hostas- Over 200 varieties
- Lamium (Deadnettle)
- Oxalis
Ferns -
- Arborvitae Fern
- Autumn Fern
- Christmas Fern
- Holly Fern
- Japanese Painted Fern
- Southern Wood Fern
- Tassel Fern
- Penstemon (Beardtongue)
- Peony
- Woodland Phlox
- Plumbago, Hardy (Leadwort)
- Pulmonaria (Lungwort)
- Solomon's Seal
- Spigelia (Indian Pinks)
- Tiarella (Foam Flower)
- Toadlily

'Curtain Call' Deep Rose Anemone

'Little Lanterns' Columbine

Variegated Cast Iron Plant

'Visions in Pink' Astilbe


Bleeding Hearts

'Perfect Storm' Hardy Geranium

'Shooting Star' Helleborus


'Church Mouse' Hosta

'Pink Pillow' Oxalis

'Autumn' Fern

'Blackbeard' Penstemon

Hardy Plumbago


'Autumn Glow' Toadlily